Thursday, February 18, 2010

And so it begins...

... a life of being dressed up. Since we don't have a cat to wrangle into embarrassing get ups, Liam is the next best thing. I personally think he wears it well. Sorry buddy, I think your sisters are going to have some fun with you and their tutus.

It's been a year - what a year!- since the last post. I think I'll work backwards to highlight events and post pictures to get caught up. Oh yeah, we had a baby; that's him above- he's four months old. It'll be a Benjamin Button-type thing! He'll get younger and younger with each post...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Did my reader just tell me that the Landslide had a post?!?!?!?!

Yeah! Yippee! A good Friday it is! :-)

Keep them coming. It's a lifeline when I can't see you in person!