Sunday, February 28, 2010

Age Appropriate

So why is it, that when Liam blows raspberries we cheer and congratulate, but when Sophie does it- she earns a time out? Life is rough, kids. Sophie is discovering the double standard of growing up. There's an age where it just isn't cute anymore (she is pretty cute though, even in her naughtiness). Just like the dimples and rolls on Liam's legs... not so cute at age 30.

A simple box. Unlimited possibilities. This was Maggie's dogbed, as she is currently embodying the character of Martha, from "Martha Speaks." At least this dog is housetrained... well, sometimes, anyway. If you forget and call her 'Maggie,' she quickly corrects, "You mean Martha?" Right, right. I always forget.

Sophie loves her brother dearly, and I think the feeling is mutual. She takes veewy (her word) good care of him and has a pretty good handle on how things go. Recently, she introduced him as, "This is my Liam. He poops all the time."

And two more, just for Uncle Benj:

I call this her 'Sally Draper' outfit.

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